Структура и фазовый состав жаропрочных сплавов системы Co - Al - Mo - Nb
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Reyes F. L., Jacques T., Toinin P., Dunand D. C. γ + γ' microstructures in the Co - Ta - V and Co - Nb - V ternary systems // Acta Materialia. 2018. V. 151. P. 137 - 148.
Makineni S. K., Nithin B., Chattopadhyay K. A new tungsten-free γ - γ' Co - Al - Mo - Nb-based superalloy // Scripta Materialia. 2015. V. 98. P. 36 - 39.
Kazantseva N. V., Davydov D. I., Terent'ev P. B. et al. Mechanical and magnetic properties of alloys near the concentration range of the existence of Co3(Al, W) intermetallic compound // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017. V. 118, No. 5. P. 432 - 439.
Makineni S. K., Nithin B., Palanisamy D., Chattopadhyay K. Phase evolution and crystallography of precipitates during decomposition of new "tungsten-free" Co(Ni) - Mo - Al - Nb γ/γ' superalloys at elevated temperatures // J. Mater Sci. 2016. V. 51. P. 7843 - 7860.
Tomaszewska A., Mikuszewski T., Moskal G., Migas D. Primary microstructure, microsegregation and precipitates characterization of an as-cast new type γ - γ' Co - Al - Mo - Nb cobaltbased superalloy // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018. V. 750. P. 741 - 749.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/mitom.2020.7.56-59
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